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Implantation using navigation protocol

Surgical set

To place implants using a navigation protocol, you will usually need a special navigation kit from your implant manufacturer. If you do not have one available, WE can PROVIDE YOU with one of our kits.

JDental Care

A universal surgical navigation set that allows you to install not only our own implants, but also a large number of popular implants, such as Straumann, Megagen, Osstem, Biohorizons and many others, using a full navigation protocol with control of not only the direction but also the depth of implant insertion without removing the template.

Знімок екрана 2024-09-05 о 13.50.56.png
Знімок екрана 2024-09-06 о 00.28.30.png

B&B Dental Guided Kit

Surgical navigation set with one of the best configurations on the market. Compactors for bone compaction and for closed sinus lifting using a unique technique. Implant guides with 3 levels of immersion and much more. Special rental conditions when ordering B&B Dental implants

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